Sunday 24 February 2013

Student Life Blog

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1. Cleaning

My parents always tried to convince me that a clean room = a clean mind. Now, I’m not sure if that’s true but cleaning your room does help you to concentrate on work – just because you can find your work under all the empty pizza boxes and beer cans!

Cleaning your room gives you the satisfaction of having achieved something without actually having to think too much which is usually required to do university work. Also, extending this cleaning trend to the kitchen or other communal areas not only has the sense of achievement but also puts you in favour with you housemates – which’ll come in handy next time you need a favour!
2. Bills/Budgeting

Essential for life at Uni. Personally, first year was an economical nightmare in regards to my expenditure. Little by little (and because I have taken time out of my usual work to budget) I have been able to curb my spending by recording how much money I spend on what and where I can cut down if possible. Also checking online banking (for those pesky card payments) and making sure I do this at least once a week is definitely a positive way to spend time – and it does take time if maths is not your strong point.
3. Laundry!!!

This takes up so much time so it’s perfect for avoiding doing work! Also, unless you want to be taking it home every weekend, doing laundry is a good idea – especially if you want to make friends in first year (no one likes a smelly student). The beauty of this is that you don’t actually have to do much; throw it in the washing machine, and then wait around to hang it up – takes up time, gets something done and is very little work…perfect.
4. CV fix

This is always helpful, whether you are looking for a part time job or just stockpiling for a post-uni job – CVs are needed for both. As an English Literature student obvious CV fillers include such things as blogging and writing for the student paper, however other subjects have relevant work experience too which would be a good investment of time; not actually studying but helping your future – now that’s positive.
5. Tea Break

Honestly, this is positive. Making a cup of tea, or just having a sit down doing nothing strenuous helps to rest the brain, boosts moral and improves concentration for when you eventually restart your work. BUT it is only beneficial when relatively short – 15-20 minutes max!

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